Monday, January 11, 2010


Turns out Medicaid didn't get the stuff Advanced Bionics insurance reimbursement sent to them, so AB is having to resend the stuff. They're sending it via Fed-Ex and someone at Medicaid will have to actually sign to receive it. Oy!

Internet relay called the local audie's office and made an appoinment for next Wednesday to get a new earmold made. And I asked if they knew Medicaid covered this sort of thing, and nope they don't. I figured as much, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. No big deal.

Also bought a Dry & Store unit off someone on eBay.. I figured it was about time I had one. Maybe if I used it for my hearing aid, and it cleaned my hearing aid and earmold, I wouldn't have as many ear irritation issues. Wyoming is pretty dry, so moisture in the hearing aid isn't much of a problem.. but it couldn't hurt to have a Dry & Store as I do occasionally get moisture in the earmold tubing just from wearing the hearing aid all day, etc. And it'll be useful for whenever I get the implant too.

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