Sunday, April 6, 2008


$1,895 for the Naida V hearing aid, really? Wow. My mom and I both were expecting it to cost more, so I was shocked when the audie assistant said it was $1,895. And the remote would be about $400ish. My parents will help me pay for the rest of the hearing aid (already have $1000), so we'd need about $1300 more.

Anyway, have made the appointment for April 25th at 11 a.m. for the new hearing aid. I think my audiologist will be ordering it. He could have ordered it on Monday (tomorrow), and I could have had the Naida by Thursday or Friday. But since we are leaving for North Carolina next Monday, I thought it'd be wise to wait until we got back from NC to get the hearing aid. Just from past experiences, I know I will be visiting the audie quite a bit at first to make adjustments to the hearing aid. A new digital hearing aid won't be completely perfectly programmed right on the first shot, I know this very well.

I'll probably call sometime this week, double-check to be sure the audie will be ordering the Zebra-style hearing aid for the appointment.

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